

Roofs - Metal, Flat, Shingles, Roll Roofing, Membrane Roofing

    • Check roof penetrations, vents, plumbing and electrical, mechanical access points
    • Check skylights and solar tubes after hail storms
    • Check Canales

Product: E-las-tek  Crack and Joint Sealant 
Contractor: Elk Construction - Rigo Ornales 505-304-6076

Stucco -  Check for cracks and evidence of water damage

Product: Mor-Flexx textured elastomeric caulk
Contractor - Chavez Construction - Carlos Chavez 505-923-0128

Exterior Exposed Wood

    • Check for dry and rough texture
    • Check for water damage or rot

Product : DAP Plastic Wood (can be stained or painted)
Penofin - Ultra Premium Red Label
Contractor - Alanis Painting - Jesus Alanis 505-280-4484

Grading and Drainage, Driveways

    • inspect for erosion after storms 
    • maintain positive flow away from foundations
    • touch up base course as needed in driveways
    • No heavy watering next to foundations 

Products: Pettingil Gravel Pit RGI Industries - Dave Pettingil 505-400-0396
Contractor and Neighbors with equipment:  Norman (Speedy Gonzales) 505-900-6383
Jim Berry - 575-626-2135


HVAC -  Mini-splits - clean and wash filters once a month

             Forced Air -  Change return air filters 3-6 months

Outdoor Units -

            • clean coils and keep clear of disbars (do not blast with water) 
            • check for icy buildup on refrigerant lines 

Product: Coil Cleaner For Outdoor Units - Simple Green Foaming Coil Cleaner
Contractor  Thompson Heating and Cooling  505-884-2675

R/O Systems 

    • regularly check for leaks at unit while its running 
    • replace sediment filters 3-6 months 
    • check membrane antiscalant chemical - (4.2 oz per gallon)
    • replace membrane 3-6 years 

Product: Sediment Filters 10 micron 2.5x20 
Vitec 7000 antiscalant 
Membrane - Dow Filmtec BW30-4040 Brackish Water Membrane 
Contractor - Classic Plumbing - Nick Romero 505-710-9135


    • Have septic tanks pumped 3-5 years
    • Add Vent caps with filters if needed 

Product  Vent cap filter - Odorhog
Contractor - Franks Septic Pumping. 505-864-4208


Painting / Staining 

    • Verify type of finish you currently have  (oil base, latex, acrylic, etc…)
    • Use a primer for more accurate colors, fewer coats, better bonding 

Contractor - Alanis Painting - Jesus Alanis 

Gutters / Rain Catchment

    • Check gutters and canales after storms for blockages 
    • Check catchment tanks after rains to verify working system 

Contractor - Gabriel Anaya Gutters - 505-208-9182


    • adding built in shelves
    • changing out bad posts or beams
    • adding T&G ceilings 
    • customizing closets

Contractor and neighbors with tools and skills  -
Wayne Wester - 505-705-5120
Kevin Gorski  -  847-287-6332

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